Album: Photos:Diplomarbeit am CERN 2001
At the COMPASS Experiment
95 images
Fêtes de Genève
14 images
Going to CERN
10 images
167 images
12.07.2001 10:20 12.07.2001 10:22 12.07.2001 10:22 13.07.2001 14:36
13.07.2001 14:37 13.07.2001 14:37 13.07.2001 14:38 13.07.2001 19:48
13.07.2001 19:49 13.07.2001 19:50 13.07.2001 19:51 13.07.2001 19:51
13.07.2001 20:41 13.07.2001 20:41 13.07.2001 21:18 13.07.2001 21:18
13.07.2001 21:23 14.07.2001 08:24 14.07.2001 08:24 12.08.2001 00:39
12.08.2001 00:39 14.10.2001 09:30 14.10.2001 09:31 14.10.2001 09:37
14.10.2001 09:37 14.10.2001 09:38 15.10.2001 15:17 15.10.2001 15:18
15.10.2001 15:23 15.10.2001 15:24 15.10.2001 15:26 15.10.2001 15:27
MOV00196 MOV00200 MOV00213
Album created by album tool from David Madison's MarginalHacks on Fri Aug 29 12:38:50 2014
All photos Copyright © 1990-2014, Robert Wagner