Album: Photos:La Palma March/April 2009 (1377):Large Size
The two MAGIC telescopes
The two giant 17m diameter MAGIC gamma-ray telescopes at the Roque de los Muchachos observatory. The site has one of the finest and darkest skies world-wide. The largest optical telescope, the Gran Telescopio Canarias, is also located at the ORM, on the mountain ridge above MAGIC-II.
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The MAGIC telescopes
The MAGIC telescopes at the Roque de los Muchachos observatory. The two 17m reflectors are framed by the italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo and the Gran Telescopio Canarias.
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The two MAGIC telescopes
The two giant 17m diameter MAGIC gamma-ray telescopes at the Roque de los Muchachos observatory. The site has one of the finest and darkest skies world-wide. The largest optical telescope, the Gran Telescopio Canarias, is also located at the ORM, on the mountain ridge above MAGIC-II.
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MAGIC Observatory
The MAGIC site atop Roque de los Muchachos, framed by optical telescopes. The stereoscopic telescope duo MAGIC-I (left) and MAGIC-II (right) will have an increased sensitivity by a factor of 2-3 with respect to MAGIC-I alone. Between the telescope is the control building for the MAGIC observatory.
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Two generations meet
The new 17m MAGIC-II telescope with one of its predecessor instruments, the HEGRA CT-3 telescope, in front.
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The new MAGIC-II gamma-ray telescope
MAGIC-II is the latest addition to the Roque de los Muchachos observatory. This site, with its fine astronomic conditions, also hosts other leading astronomocal instruments like the italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (left) and the Gran Telescopio Canarias, the largest optical telescope.
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Giants at work: MAGIC-II and GTC
MAGIC-II is the latest addition to the Roque de los Muchachos observatory. This site, with its fine astronomic condition, also hosts other leading astronomocal instruments like the Gran Telescopio Canarias, the largest optical telescope, seen to the left of MAGIC-II.
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The new MAGIC-II gamma-ray telescope
The new 17m MAGIC-II telescope awaits nightfall to begin its journey into the violent Universe.
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MAGIC technicalities
The picture shows the 1139-pixel photomultiplier camera, the ultra-sensitive light detector of MAGIC-II reflected in its own segmented mirror. To the left, the twin telescope, MAGIC-I at 85 m distance, is also seen.
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Dawn on the Roque
The MAGIC-II telescope shortly before dawn.
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The MAGIC Telescopes
The stereoscopic telescope tandem MAGIC-I (right) and MAGIC-II (left) awaits nightfall to begin its journey into the violent Universe.
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The new MAGIC-II telescope during sunset. The instrument with its huge 17m diameter light reflector and its high-sensitivity camera is ready to study the Universe in very-high energy gamma rays.
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The stereoscopic telescope tandem MAGIC-I (back) and MAGIC-II (front) awaits nightfall to begin its journey into the violent Universe.
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MAGIC-II moving
The impressive space-frame structure of the MAGIC-II telescope during a repositioning maneuver.
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05.04.2009 20:33
05.04.2009 20:38 05.04.2009 20:43 05.04.2009 20:43
05.04.2009 20:45 05.04.2009 20:45 05.04.2009 20:45
05.04.2009 20:49 06.04.2009 03:33 06.04.2009 03:40
06.04.2009 04:45 06.04.2009 04:59
Album created by album tool from David Madison's MarginalHacks on Fri Nov 14 18:49:02 2014
All photos Copyright © 1990-2014, Robert Wagner