9.-16. Juli 1995
300 images
Provence 1996
127 images
Malaysia 1997
Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, Batu Caves, Fraser's Hill 20.-28. März 1997
90 images
26. März 1997
19 images
Hong Kong
29.-31. März 1997
61 images
Australien Sydney, Melbourne
23. April - 3. Mai 1997
196 images
Marienthal Sylvester 1998/1999
92 images
Sonnenfinsternistreff Esslingen/Niebelsbach
August 1999
141 images
Sylvester 1999/2000 Paris
29. Dezember 1999 - 3. Januar 2000
79 images
Diplomarbeit am CERN 2001
4 albums, 35 images
Grillen beim Chef
6. Juli 2001
28 images
La Palma
16.-30. Januar 2002
365 images
MAGIC Software Meeting Barcelona
26. Juni - 1. Juli 2002
169 images
Pegeltour 2002
27 images
Summer School on CP Violation and Astroparticle Physics Prerow
2002 September 15-21
82 images
Pinakothek der Moderne, München
49 images
MAGIC Physics Meeting, Würzburg
December 2002
44 images
Ringberg Januar 2003
45 images
La Palma February 2003
186 images
La Palma April 2003
72 images
2003 April 23-29
436 images
Chile (2300)
2 adventurous weeks of Holidays in South America 2003 May 4-19
4 albums, 1 image
Chile, Ninas Bilder
2003 April 26 - May 19
1 album, 166 images
Kehlsteinhaus, Königsee
29. Mai 2003
66 images
Eckart's party (139)
Eckart's retirement/65th Birthday party at MPI, June 2003
139 images
MAGIC Software Meeting Padova 2003 (81)
81 images
La Palma July 2003 (397)
Featuring: The Green Flash (finally!)
395 images
Ringberg Workshop 2003
MPI's annual Young Scientists' Workshop at Ringberg Castle, July 2003
314 images
28th ICRC, Tsukuba, Japan
International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 2003
546 images
京都, 千葉 Kyoto/Tōkyō, Japan
Short vacation in Japan, covering Kyoto and Tokyo, August 2003
636 images
La Palma September 2003
4 albums, 188 images
KASCADE/Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Workshop Astroteilchenphysik in Deutschland
2 images
Bau der Gartensternwarte
58 images
La Palma October 2003 MAGIC Inauguration
12 albums, 342 images
Käsefondue und Schnee bei Florian Oktober 2003
43 images
Pepe's and Public Address' Concert in Gröbenzell October 2003
173 images
Pepe's Goodbye Party (33)
33 images
Polarlicht in München am 30. Oktober 2003
93 images
Totale Mondfinsternis 8./9. November 2003
1 album, 96 images
Visiting Stefan in Trento
Trento, Verona 14.-16. November 2003
202 images
Polarlicht in München am 20. November 2003
73 images
Wok-Olympiade bei Jörn, November 2003
26 images
DBMuseum Nürnberg, Dezember 2003
70 images
Hauptbahnhof Nürnberg, Dezember 2003
17 images
Nürnberger Christkindlesmarkt, Dezember 2003
16 images
MAGIC Analysis Bootcamp Würzburg, 8.-12. Dezember 2003
59 images
La Palma January 2004 (304)
8 albums, 52 images
Skifahren März 2004 Alpbach (82)
82 images
Polarlichttour Karhujärvi, Lappland
13.-27. März 2004
24 albums, 223 images
DPG-Frühjahrstagung Mainz 2004
56 images
MAGIC Analysis Bootcamp Udine, 19.-23. April 2004
60 images
Jörns Geburstagsfeier, 24./25. April 2004
18 images
La Palma April/May 2004
14 albums, 70 images
MAGIC General Meeting, Tuorla Observatory, Finland
June 5-7, 2004
3 albums, 14 images
Southwest Finland
June 7-10, 2004
4 albums, 1 image
St. Petersburg
June 10-13, 2004
2 albums, 423 images
54. Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau
June 27 July 2, 2004
4 albums, 144 images
WE-Heraeus Sommerschule "Physics with cosmic accelerators", Bad Honnef
July 5-16, 2004
5 albums, 141 images
La Palma September 2004
24. August-7. September 2004
10 albums, 177 images
Doktorprüfung Jörn 23. September 2004
28 images
MAGIC Analysis Bootcamp Barcelona
27. September 4. October 2004
7 albums, 133 images
Ringberg Workshop 2004
99 images
Weihnachtsmärkte 2004
30 images
Lettl-Atrium Augsburg, 15. Dezember 2004
47 images
Skifahren in Kreuzeck/Zugspitze und Eishockey SC Riessersee
30. Dezember 2004
10 images
3 images
Polarlicht in München
21. Januar 2005
25 images
Skifahren in Brauneck/Lenggries und Unter-/Nebensonnen
1 album, 32 images
Februar/März 2005
6 albums, 5 images
April/May 2005
11 albums, 145 images
Münchener Museen und Parks
26 albums, 3 images
MAGIC Software Factory Barcelona
2.-16. June 2005
7 albums, 82 images
Mein Geburtstag 2005
Königsee, Bad Reichenhall
63 images
29th ICRC, Pune, India
5 albums, 142 images
India: Mumbai, Delhi, Rajasthan (1756)
13 albums, 1 image
MAGIC AGN Workshop Pisa
1.-3. September 2005
75 images
8.-11. September 2005
387 images
23.-26. September 2005
4 albums, 53 images
Ringförmige Sonnenfinsternis Madrid, 3. Oktober 2005 (151)
2 albums, 124 images
INTEGRAL Workshop Genf, 12.-15. Oktober 2005
2 albums, 84 images
Skifahren in Hintertux, 10.-11. Dezember 2005
39 images
La Palma December 2005
4 albums, 183 images
Eiskristalle 30. Dezember 2005
42 images
New York City, 13.-20. Januar 2006 (1430)
20 albums, 1 image
Totale Sonnenfinsternis Side, 29. März 2006 (636)
9 albums, 1 image
Leiden, Lier, Amsterdam, 27.-31. July 2006 (295)
5 albums, 133 images
Der Papst in Freising, 14. September 2006
9 images
Green Flash Gallery La Palma 2003/4
16 images
Skifahren in Hintertux, 2.-3. Dezember 2006 (63)
57 images
Komet C/2006 P1 (McNaught), 9.-10. Januar 2007 (2)
2 images
Schneedorf Sölden, 4. Februar 2007
52 images
Polarlichttour Karhujärvi, Lappland
17. Februar 2. März 2007 (1428)
17 albums, 69 images
Fahrten ans CERN 2007
1 album, 45 images
Extragalactic Jets Meeting, Girdwood, AK, May 19-31 2007 (1330)
11 albums, 4 images
La Palma June 2007
1 album, 101 images
Wendelstein, 30. April 2004 & 24. Juni 2007
72 images
30th ICRC, Mérida, México (832)
International Cosmic Ray Conference, July 2007
5 albums, 381 images
Yucatán, México July 2007 (1372)
9 albums, 1 image
London July 21-23, 2007
Short trip to London and Greenwich Observatory
376 images
The "Monday Source" BBQ, August 2007
Firing up a BBQ at z=0.536
18 images
Tour de MPI, August 2007
100 images
Nadia's and Abelardo's Weeding, Padova, Venice, August 2007
3 albums, 1 image
Łódź September 2007 (27)
27 images
La Palma September 2007
8 albums, 216 images
My Astronomy and Earth Science Pictures of the Day
13 images
Komet P17/Holmes, Oktober 2007 (2)
2 images
Vierzehnheiligen, 3. November 2007
6 images
ISSI-Team Meeting Bern, December 2007
27 images
La Palma January 3-15, 2008
2 albums, 34 images
Barcelona, January 29, 2008 (75)
75 images
La Palma February 12-19, 2008
1 album, 140 images
FIS Skiflug-WM Oberstdorf 2008, 23. Februar 2008
295 images
DPG-Frühjahrstagung Freiburg 2008, 3.-7. März 2008 (67)
58 images
Masaaki's Ph.D. exam, March 20, 2008 (19)
19 images
AGN Workshop, Hotel Jeris, Finland, March/April 2008 (613)
6 albums, 88 images
Nordkapp-Tour, April 2008 (1033)
Alta, Hammerfest, Honningsvåg, Inari, Kittilä
7 albums, 4 images
International Astroparticle Physics Symposium, Golden, CO, May 2008 (1251)
20 albums, 4 images
Taubenberg, 1. Juni 2008
10 images
MPI-Institutsfoto, 4. Juni 2008
1 album, 8 images
Schloß Ringberg, 29. Juni 2008
49 images
4th Heidelberg Gamma-Ray Symposium, July 7.-11., 2008
54 images
La Palma July 22-29, 2008: The MAGIC Movie
5 albums, 228 images
Chorruine Kloster Heisterbach
10 images
Historisches Fachwerk in Alsfeld
42 images
Wartburg, Eisenach
68 images
James Webb Space Telescope in Munich, October 2008
52 images
British Columbia, December 6-20, 2008
Two weeks in Vancouver, Victoria, Vancouver Island, Squamish (1349)
21 albums, 265 images
Sylvester 2008
Sylvesterparty und Neujahrsbarbecue bei Kuhns
143 images
Technik-Museum Speyer, 17. Januar 2009
162 images
Speyer, 17. Januar 2009
19 images
Bayern München Sporting Lissabon, 10. März 2009
133 images
La Palma March/April 2009 (1377)
31 albums, 327 images
Planetenweg am Isarufer, April 2009
18 images
Radltour von Holzkirchen nach München, 26. April 2009
22 images
Helsinki, Tuorla, Turku, 2.-7. Mai 2009
461 images
Cracow, Mai 10-14, 2009
392 images
Stockholm, May 30-June 4, 2009 (480)
7 albums, 274 images
München und Haimhausen von oben
4 images
Accretion and Ejection in AGN a Global View, Como, June 22-26, 2009
1 album, 214 images
TAUP 2009
11 1/2 hours in Rome, July 3, 2009 (48)
1 album, 44 images
中国 Běijīng, Xī’ān, Guìlín, Yángshuò, Shànghǎi, 11.-25. Juli 2009 (2572)
6 albums, 12 images
8. Internationale Astronomiewoche Arosa, 29.7.-1.8.2009 (328)
4 albums, 165 images
Tutanchamun Sein Grab und die Schätze, 5.9.2009, München
80 images
La Palma September 8-15, 2009
10 albums, 170 images
Grillen bei Kuhns, 27. September 2009
90 images
Southern England, 29. September-6. Oktober 2009
1 album, 1506 images
Dinosaurier Giganten Argentiniens, Lokschuppen Rosenheim, 10. Oktober 2009
58 images
Lange Nacht der Museen München, 17. Oktober 2009
143 images
Fermi Symposium, Washington DC
October 30 - November 7, 2009
2 albums, 853 images
Iowa State University, Ames, IA
November 9-12, 2009
1 album, 262 images
MAGIC Collaboration Meeting Castelldefels, Spain, November 16-20, 2009
4 albums, 152 images
Weihnachtsmärkte 2009
243 images
Sonderausstellung „Entwicklung des Universums“ im Deutschen Museum
24 images
Gargoyles und Chimären am Münchner Rathaus
48 images
Münchner U-Bahnhöfe
222 images
Jugendstil in München
199 images
Hameln und Hannover, 27.-29. Dezember 2009
5 albums, 205 images
Sylvester 2009
Sylvesterparty und Neujahrsgrillen bei Kuhns
158 images
Ringberg, GeV-2-TeV-Connection Workshop, 11.-16. Januar 2010
37 images
23m Telescope Workshop, Hotel Jeris, Finland, January 28 - February 8, 2010
8 albums, 223 images
Astroteilchenphysik in Deutschland 2010, Zeuthen, 25.-26. Februar 2010
34 images
Maki-sushi at MPI - Reiko's farewell party, 2010 March 5
111 images
MPI-MAGIC Skiing Tour, Matrei, Austria, 2010 March 11-14
163 images
Landessternwarte Heidelberg, 2010 March 15-16
2 albums, 92 images
Technik-Museum Sinsheim, 17. März 2010
108 images
DPG-Frühjahrstagung Bonn, 17.-19. März 2010
129 images
Deutsches Museum Bonn
46 images
Arithmeum Bonn
69 images
Stockholm, March 29-31, 2010
214 images
Südseesammlung Obergünzburg
4. April 2010
37 images
Grounded in MUC I: Volcanic Ash Sunset
April 16, 2010
1 image
Grounded in MUC II: Public Sale of Airport Lost & Found with Sepp Mittermeier
April 17, 2010
118 images
Grounded in MUC III: Munich Airport Closed
April 17, 2010
39 images
Gewürze Ausstellung im Lokschuppen Rosenheim
1. Mai 2010
101 images
CTA Consortium Meeting Zeuthen
May 8-13, 2010
5 albums, 426 images
Wissenschaftssommer 2010, Magdeburg
5.-8. Juni 2010
5 albums, 146 images
MAGIC Collaboration Meeting Munich, June 2010
2 albums, 125 images
Liederabend für Florian, Gauting
25. Juni 2010
37 images
Sternstunden Wunder unseres Sonnensystems im Gasometer Oberhausen
27. Juni 2010
2 albums, 95 images
Meeting am DESY Zeuthen
28.-30. Juni 2010
3 albums, 13 images
Göteborg, Bohuslän Coast, Örebro, Mälaren, Uppsala, Stockholm
July 4-16, 2010
6 albums, 1413 images
cospar10 Bremen
July 18-23, 2010
4 albums, 470 images
Schäferfest Hochmutting
25. Juli 2010
112 images
Ching-Cheng's Ph.D. exam
August 6, 2010
45 images
Jörns Hochzeit
6. August 2010
2 albums, 143 images
La Palma
13.-31. August 2010
21 albums, 493 images
9.-10. September 2010
104 images
MAGIC Collaboration Meeting, Split
19.-25. September 2010
7 albums, 311 images
International Conference on Accretion and Outflow in Black Hole Systems, Kathmandu, Nepal
October 11-15, 2010
9 albums, 511 images
CTA Consortium Meeting, Rutherford Appleton Lab, Oxford
6.-12. November 2010
4 albums, 435 images
Taka's PhD Defense
6. Dezember 2010
40 images
Sylvester 2010
Sylvesterparty bei Kuhns
28 images
SISSA, Trieste
22-23 February 2011
193 images
MAGIC Collaboration Meeting, Barcelona, March 2011
4 albums, 223 images
DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2011, Karlsruhe
28. März 2011
30 images
29. März 2011
332 images
Gamma-Ray Workshop Olos, Finland
April 11-15, 2011
5 albums, 90 images
Bacalhao Party Alessandro & Ulisses
April 20, 2011
166 images
Sommer in München 2011
213 images
CTA Consortium Meeting, Toulouse
May 16-20, 2011
4 albums, 526 images
May 25-27, 2011
1 album, 383 images
Wildpark Poing
4. Juni 2011, 1. April 2012
338 images
Dampfzugfahrt um München
13. Juni 2011
126 images
La Palma
June 21-28, 2011
1 album, 361 images
17. Juli 2011
29 images
32th ICRC, Běijīng, China
August 12-18, 2011
3 albums, 535 images
Kletterwald München, 28. August 2011
123 images
TAUP 2011
12th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, September 2011, Munich, Germany
8 albums, 6 images
Tobias' Farewell, 2011 September 16
90 images
Daniela's Ph.D. exam, 2011 September 27
38 images
Wildtierpark Blindham, 8. Oktober 2011
46 images
MVG Tag der offenen Tür, Technische Basis
23. Oktober 2011
37 images
Fermi and Jansky Workshop, St. Michaels
2011 November 8-17
1249 images
Aberdeen Mile Run
2-3 December 2011
430 images
DIAS-OKC Joint Meeting, Dublin
12-14 December 2011
515 images
MAGIC Collaboration Meeting Munich
December 2011
128 images
Winter-Zoo Hannover
29. Dezember 2011
154 images
Sealife München
8. Januar 2012
54 images
2012 January 9-16
1 album, 200 images
4. Februar 2012
79 images
16. Februar 2012
23 images
東京, 千葉 Tōkyō/Chiba, Japan
2012 February 18-23
4 albums, 590 images
DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2012 Göttingen
1./2. März 2012
198 images
2012 March 6-17
13 albums, 23 images
MAGIC AGN Meeting, Brera Observatory
2012 March 26-29
388 images
Frühlingsfest München
21. April 2012
61 images
Burkhard's PhD Defense
2012 April 25
24 images
CTA Consortium Meeting, Amsterdam
2012 May 13-17
1 album, 635 images
La Palma, BBC Horizon Shoot
2012 May 19-21
281 images
Nordsee: DESY Hamburg, Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, Helgoland
Juni 2012
1 album, 562 images
Harz, Brocken, Wernigerode, Quedlinburg, Erfurt
Juni 2012
590 images
17. Juni 2012
193 images
Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin
21. Juni 2012
101 images
Blautopf und Ulm
29. Juni 2012
238 images
CTA-Modell, Tag der offenen Tür 2012
30. Juni 2012
13 images
5th Heidelberg Gamma-Ray Symposium, July 2012
Heidelberg, Heilbronn, Bergstraße, Odenwald
8 albums, 199 images
LMU München und Große Aula
28. Juli 2012
50 images
Schäferfest Hochmutting
29. Juli 2012
24 images
57 images
Herbst in München 2012
491 images
Växjö, Öland, Kalmar, Skåne
15.-24. August 2012
9 albums, 166 images
40 Jahre Olympiapark
26. August 2012
73 images
Kloster Weltenburg
29. September 2012
1 album, 43 images
Befreiungshalle Kelheim
29. September 2012
53 images
Unterführung an der Luitpoldbrücke, München
34 images
Swarthmore College and Philadelphia
2012 October 12-16
5 albums, 729 images
In der Borstei
25. November 2012
52 images
2012 November 28-30
125 images
Astronomiepark Ingolstadt
28 images
Weihnachtsmärkte 2012
78 images
Bad Brückenau
27. Dezember 2012
33 images
Homberg (Efze)
27. Dezember 2012
53 images
Porta Westfalica
61 images
Wasserbaum Ockensen
32 images
Hessisch Oldendorf, Dezember 2012
41 images
30. Dezember 2012
107 images
Stabkirche Hahnenklee
30. Dezember 2012
41 images
Ski World Cup 2013 Parallelslalom
137 images
MAGIC Software School, Barcelona
2013 January 22-26
549 images
Air Force Two at Munich Airport
2013 February 3
33 images
2013 February 6-8
186 images
Nordic CTA Meeting, AlbaNova Stockholm
March 2013
73 images
CTA Workshop, Hotel Jeris
March 2013
5 albums, 542 images
Der Berliner Bär
1 image
Gedenkstätte Point Alpha
20. April 2013
38 images
Erster Ausflug nach Stockholm
28. April 2013
148 images
Ausflug nach Sigtuna
1. Mai 2013 · 10. September 2013
142 images
Ausflug nach Vaxholm
5. Mai 2013
114 images
Görvälns slott
12. Mai 2013
47 images
19. Mai 2013
28 images
Tom Tits Experiment
25. Mai 2013
106 images
25. Mai 2013
33 images
CTA Consortium Meeting, Chicago
May 2013
5 albums, 505 images
Sandhamn och Trouville
8. Juni 2013
203 images
Sommer in Stockholm 2013
633 images
Sixth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, June 17-21, 2013
294 images
Road Trip: Hoosier Nation to Niagara Falls
Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York
1397 images
Schloss Gripsholm
6. Juli 2013
82 images
EWASS 2013, Turku
July 7-12, 2013
471 images
Naantali ja Turun saaristo
July 12-19, 2013
830 images
Leuchtende Nachtwolken
Sollentuna, Schweden 20. Juli 2013
12 images
July 21, 2013
147 images
Peter Higgs talks at EPS-HEP 2013
European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, July 22, 2013
25 images
CTA-CCF Meeting, Barcelona
July 23-24, 2013
1 album, 178 images
En helg i Gästrikland och Dalarna
Sveriges Järnvägsmuseum, Gävle, Carl Larsson-gården, Falu gruva, Falun, July 27-28, 2013
446 images
Urlaub in München
August 2013
48 images
Markus-Wasmeier-Bauernhofmuseum Schliersee
4. August 2013
130 images
Rencontres du Vietnam 2013
Quy Nhơn, Hà Nội, Vịnh Hạ Long, Việt Nam, 10.-20. August 2013
1347 images
Birka Vikingerstaden
25. August 2013
153 images
Polarlicht in Ängsjö, 27. August 2013
32 images
Future Directions of Relativistic Jets Meeting
Skokloster, August 30-September 2, 2013
244 images
14. September 2013
90 images
Vater Rhein und Philosophenweg, Heidelberg
H.E.S.S. Analysis and Reconstruction Meeting, 15.-18. September 2013
240 images
Tyresta by
21. September 2013 · 16. März 2014
83 images
21. September 2013
41 images
CTA Consortium Meeting Warsaw
23.-28. September 2013
507 images
120 minuuttia Helsingissä
28. September 2013
136 images
Polarlicht 2. Oktober 2013
Viby, Schweden
13 images
H.E.S.S. Fall 2013 Collaboration Meeting
Bordeaux/Aquitaine, France
6 albums, 415 images
Astronomdagarna Lund
10.-12. Oktober 2013
94 images
Ven On Tycho's Island
12. Oktober 2013
196 images
Herbst in Stockholm 2013
329 images
Gamla Uppsala, Mora Stenar, Uppsala
27. Oktober 2013 · 8. Dezember 2013 · 3. Mai 2014
2 albums, 63 images
Polarlicht 30. Oktober 2013
Viby, Schweden
7 images
Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
3. November 2013
33 images
Jämtland: Åre, Östersund, Järvzoo, Hudiksvall, Skärså, Sundsvall (mit Polarlichtern)
8.-11. November 2013
1 album, 475 images
Täby Kyrka
16. November 2013
29 images
Spårvägsmuseet & Leksaksmuseet Stockholm
23. November 2013
90 images
Stortorgets Julmarknad
23. November 2013
25 images
Abisko Turiststation and Aurora Sky Station
4.-7. Dezember 2013
4 albums, 327 images
Fahrt nach München via Gränna-Trelleborg-Rostock-Bayreuth
21.-22. Dezember 2013
111 images
Völkerschlachtdenkmal Leipzig
22. Dezember 2013
91 images
Miniland-Schauanlage, Kirchheim b. München
25. Dezember 2013
78 images
Kloster Scheyern
27. Dezember 2013
33 images
Sankt Kastl und spätherbstliche Holledau
30. Dezember 2013
25 images
Dahoam is dahoam Inhausen
31. Dezember 2013
7 images
Stift Fischbeck
5. Januar 2014
46 images
Fahrt nach Stockholm via Franken-Hameln-Kiel-Oslo
7.-8. Januar 2014
3 albums, 210 images
LST General Meeting at ICRR Tōkyō, 2014 January Grand Sumo Tournament at Ryōgoku Kokugikan
13.-18. Januar 2014
550 images
Bergen 22.-25. January 2014
279 images
Norway in a Nutshell
Bergen Voss Gudvangen Flåm Myrdal Bergen
577 images
Polarlicht 19. Februar 2014
Viby, Schweden
19 images
Gårdsjö Älgpark und Grillen am Tenasjön
22. Februar 2014
168 images
Ullsfjord – Lyngen – Tromsø
7.-14. März 2014
676 images
Stockholm 2014
524 images
Humboldt University and DESY Zeuthen
24.-27. März 2014
328 images
Sala silvergruva, Sala, Avesta
29. März 2014
55 images
Ride to Saltsjöbaden
30. März 2014
61 images
Wira Bruk
5. April 2014
54 images
CTA Consortium Meeting München
April 2014
31 images
Osterbrunnen in/und Oberfranken
April 2014
146 images
Valborgsmässoafton på Baset när Mälaren
30. April 2014
101 images
Linnés Hammarby
3. Mai 2014
59 images
Polarlicht 4. Mai 2014
37 images
Landsort på ön Öja
4. Mai 2014
251 images
18. Mai 2014
58 images
614 images
Skärgårdsbåtens Dag
11. Juni 2014
160 images
Runmarö - finding a geocache
16. Juni 2014
78 images
Midsommarafton och surströmming party
19./20. Juni 2014
78 images
H.E.S.S. Extragalactic Meeting Växjö
Juni 2014
46 images
Tusen oärs kryssning
28. Juni 2014
325 images
July 2014
589 images
Falu Gruva, Tällberg, Säter
Juli 2014
130 images
Norrtälje och Pythagoras Industrimuseum
12. Juli 2014
161 images
Inlandsbanan och Hurtigruten
Mora–Gällivare–Narvik–Harstad–Trondheim, Juli 2014
9 albums, 40 images
Nora Tåghem (Nora Pershyttan Örebro)
2.-3. August 2014
303 images
Siggesta by, Frederiksborgs fästning, Vaxholm
9. August 2014
89 images
Takvandring om Stockholms tak
15. August 2014
37 images
22.-24. August 2014
855 images
Polarlicht 27. August 2014
Bålsta, Härkeberga, Enköping
75 images
5.-7. September 2014
193 images
Polarlicht 12. September 2014
Tierp, Söderfors
108 images
Kolmården Zoo
13./14. September 2014
1 album, 169 images
A night out in town (Stockholm at night)
16. September 2014
100 images
CTA Consortium Meeting Catania
Giardini Naxos · Taormina · Etna September 2014
2 albums, 1510 images
H.E.S.S. Fall 2014 Collaboration Meeting, Warsaw
October 2014
296 images
Etnografiska Museet
19. Oktober 2014
86 images
Ljusfest vid Brunsviken
2. November 2014
101 images
Kilpisjärvi, Kiruna, Abisko Turiststation, Narvik
18.-23. November 2014
13 albums, 1 image
Washington and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
29. November-6. December 2014
1 album, 575 images
Higgs to Dark Matter Workshop, Geilo, Norway
14.-17. Dezember 2014
379 images
Silly Walk Ørje
19. Dezember 2014
22 images
Vikingskipshuset Oslo
19. Dezember 2014
98 images
Fahrt Oslo-Kiel mit Color Line
19./20. Dezember 2014
263 images
Weihnachten 2014
München, Haimhausen
213 images
Gopshus, Mora, Vasaloppet
246 images
Kilpisjärvi, Icehotel, Treriksröset, Storfjord
1 album, 647 images
Totale Sonnenfinsternis Tórshavn, Føroyar, 20. März 2015
7 albums, 245 images
Der Mond
28. März 2015
2 images
Sonne und Mond
Vorbereitungen für die Sonnenfinsternis 2016
33 images
H.E.S.S. Spring Collaboration Meeting Paris-Meudon
14.-17. April 2015
962 images
Schloss Nymphenburg mit dem Canon EF-L 100-400
23. April 2015
83 images
Sjövägen mit dem Canon EF-L 100-400
27. April 2015
235 images
CTA Consortium Meeting Turku
3.-8 Mai 2015
697 images
Åland 2015
28.-31. Mai 2015
408 images
Svenska Högarna
13. Juni 2015
863 images
Cruise to Åland
2./3. Juli 2015
222 images
LST General Meeting Madrid
6.-9. Juli 2015
405 images
Gällivare, Kiruna, Abisko, Jokkmokk, Vuollerim
Juli 2015
533 images
Lofoten, Vesterålen, Hamn i Senja
Juli 2015
1168 images
34th ICRC, Den Haag
34th International Cosmic Ray Conference, August 2015
733 images
Bruges, Bruxelles, Museé Hergé, Abbaye de Villers-la-Ville
August 2015
749 images
Polarlicht 15./16. August 2015
Viby, Upplands Väsby
63 images
Polarlicht 28. August 2015
Viby, Överjärva Gård
53 images
100 Great Paintings
Nationalmuseet Stockholm
32 images
Eisenbahnmuseum Bochum-Dahlhausen
1. September 2015
130 images
Nijmegen, Kleve, Emmerich, 2. September 2015
140 images
Altes Dorf, Zeche Zollverein, Nordstern, Duisburg, 3. September 2015
331 images
Fysik i Kungsträdsgården
Stockholm, 5. September 2015
65 images
Eine Woche Polarlicht 7.-12. September 2015
Upplands Väsby, Viby
32 images
Eltåg 100 år
12. September 2015
352 images
CTA Consortium Meeting Liverpool
13.-18. September 2015
922 images
19. September 2015
501 images
CTA-CTF Meeting, Oslo
5-6 October 2015
198 images
TeV Particle Astrophysics 2015 Tokyo, Nikko, Kamakura, Hakone
October/November 2015
3 albums, 717 images
Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde
7. November 2015
104 images
MS Trollfjord: Oslo, Harstad-Kirkenes-Harstad
12.-17. November 2015
5 albums, 958 images
Komet C/2013 US10 (Catalina)
Dezember 2015/Januar 2016
4 images
Stopover in Riga
5. Januar 2016
165 images
Rodin på Konstakademien
7. Januar 2016
45 images
Polarlicht 20./21. Januar 2016
13 images
23.-25. Januar 2016
252 images
Montgolfiade Bad Wiessee
30. Januar 2016
58 images
Polarlicht 31. Januar 2016
26 images
Polarlicht 15./16. Februar 2016
75 images
March 5-8, 2016
1 album, 371 images
Gerhana Matahari Total (Total Solar Eclipse) in Belitung, Indonesia
March 8-9, 2016
2 albums, 302 images
Stopover in Hong Kong
March 11, 2016
230 images
Grövelsjöns Fjällstation
April 1-2, 2016
188 images
Finding Old Tjikko
The oldest tree on Earth Fulufjället, April 3, 2016
179 images
Polarlicht 8. April 2016
42 images
Comet 252P/LINEAR
Björkviks Brygga, 12. April 2016
7 images
H.E.S.S. Collaboration Meeting Växjö/Kalmar Castle
115 images
30. April 2016
201 images
Valborg vid Nyckelviken
30. April 2016
64 images
Ytterby Gruva
1. Mai 2016
43 images
10.-12. Mai 2016
335 images
CTA Consortium Meeting Kashiwa 16.-20. Mai 2016
310 images
ASIAA M87 Workshop Taipei
Mai 2016
1445 images
Åland 2016
2.-5. Juni 2016
144 images
Skärgårdsbåtens Dag 2016
8. Juni 2016
57 images
Svenska Högarna
15. Juli 2016
181 images
Tour de Ländle
Burg Hohenzollern, Haigerloch, Glatt, Horb, Herrenberg, Calw 4.-5. Juli 2016
403 images
Stora Kalholmen
19./20. Juli 2016
157 images
Fulufjällets nationalpark
21.-24. August 2016
342 images
28. August 2016
224 images
Three Messengers Conference, Lake Baikal, Tunka Valley, Arshan, Irkutsk
4 albums, 161 images
Rhein-Main-Mosel-Saar I: Taunus
September 2016
126 images
Rhein-Main-Mosel-Saar II: Rhein-Mosel
September 2016
220 images
Rhein-Main-Mosel-Saar III: Eifel
September 2016
100 images
Rhein-Main-Mosel-Saar IV: Luxembourg
September 2016
37 images
Rhein-Main-Mosel-Saar V: Saarland
September 2016
157 images
Rhein-Main-Mosel-Saar VI: Heidelberg
September 2016
190 images
Rhein-Main-Mosel-Saar VII: Frankfurt
September 2016
137 images
390 images
(Passwort notwendig)
20 albums, 1 image
Smaller collections and more pictures
52 albums, 1 image